Prototyping a Nation.


Future-proofing our kids in the face of the heating climate is an urgent, global task.

We’ve set BIFKiDS the implicit mission to reverse the decline in kids' creative genius. Over the past 5 years, we’ve been piloting in London exactly how to do that.

During Covid, we took our workshops online. We proved BIFKiDS as an ‘after-school/home-school’ club works. Our creative problem-solving flow engages in-person and online. All was set for our BIF Fandom ‘start, build, grow’ strategy. And then, Matt and his family took the Covid leap out of London back to NZ.

Fast forward 6 months and ‘prototyping’ BIFKiDS throughout his homelands have begun. Matt is deep in works to shape a new primary school curriculum, that combines critical inquiry-led learning, with the Sustainable Development Goals, and ancient Maori wisdom under the title of ‘kaitiakitanga’ (which means ‘guardians of the future’) delivered through the BIFKiDS creative problem-solving approach.

The great thing about NZ is that each school is liberated, delivering to national learning outcomes as they see fit. This also, therefore, liberates Matt - who as a ‘fandom pioneer’ - knows exactly how to ‘start, build and grow’ BIFKiDS fans. One school begetting another. Teaching teachers. Introducing the SDGs anchored curriculum. Impacting kids. And parents.

Including prototyping Madix as a Year 6 creative literacy ‘edutainment’ exercise. All captured and banked in his co-founded e-learning platform called Sideways. As Matt sees it, he’s added millions of fans for brands and artists in past works.

So, the challenge of prototyping with every kid across all of NZ is doable. Not just doable, he’s getting on with doing it.

And as a 9-year-old replied when asked "if we crack the ideas here, what will we do with them?”

“We’ll share them with the world?!”.


Yes, we will.

Global goalsMatt Hart